AltCap Announces Small Business Relief Loan Fund to Provide Financial Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mar 31, 2020

Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas City Area Development Council, the Civic Council of Greater Kansas City and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation supporting effort to aid small businesses

Kansas City, MO (March 31, 2020) – Inresponse to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new community-backed

$5 million small business relief loan fund was launched today by AltCap, supportedby the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (KC Chamber), the Kansas City Area Development Council (KCADC) the Civic Council of Great Kansas City (Civic Council) and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

The KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund is intended to provide immediate relief to local small businesses experiencing extreme economic disruption and financial strainas a result of the necessary public health measures to“flattenthe curve” and combat the virus. Kansas City’s leading business and civic organizations, including the KC Chamber, KCADC andthe Civic Council, are calling for additional support from other business and community leaders to add to commitments from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; Michael and Leah Hoehn of Automated Systems, Inc. (ASI) and Neal and Angela Sharma of DEG; Port KC; and AltCapto reachthe fund’s $5 million goal.

“Most U.S. small businesses operate on an extremely tight margin—29 percent are unprofitable and 47 percent have two weeks or less of cashliquidity,” said Wendy Guillies, President of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. “While federal and state assistance maybe available eventually, businesses need help now. The KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund is meant to help bridge the gapfor those small businesses that need more immediate and flexible support. AltCaphas the experience and team to maximize the impact of these generous contributions and quickly provide much needed assistance.”

“Small businesses are the backbone of our community, said Neal Sharma, co-chair of KC Rising and CEO of DEG. “These entrepreneurs drive economic opportunity for themselves andthose that work for them, which in turn creates opportunity to broaden economic inclusion and prosperity. Each one is doing their part to help slow the spreadof the coronavirus, often by limiting and stopping operations. Now is the time for our business community to rally, and for  those with more to do  more for those with less. We are stronger together as a community and we know brighter days are aheadof us all.”

Small businesses interestedin applying for the KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund must:

  • Be located in the Kansas City Region, which for this initiative includes Jackson, Clay, Platte, and Cass counties in Missouri and Wyandotte, Johnson, and Leavenworthcounties in Kansas;
  • Have 20 or fewer full-time equivalent employees, and;
  • Have $2.5 million or less in annual revenue.

Priority will be given to small businesses in retail, food service, arts and entertainment, hospitality, healthcare not directly involved in the COVID-19 response, fitness, personal service, andtransportation.

The KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund will provide flexible, patient capital for the area’s

hardest hit small businesses.

  • Applications are available now for three-year, short-term loans up to $100,000 with no interest and deferred payments for the first 6-12 months.
  • No minimum credit score is required, and collateral requirements are flexible.
  • Additional information about eligibility and application materials canbe found at www.alt- or by calling (816) 216-1851. The application is available in Englishand Spanish.

The KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund will be administeredby AltCap, a local Community Development Financial Institution(CDFI) with more than a decade of small business lending experience, specializing in high-impact financing to entrepreneurs and in communities unable to access financing through traditional lending institutions. CDFIs, like AltCap, are oftenat the frontlines of disaster recovery efforts helping communities weather the effects of natural disasters, recessions, andother significant economic events.

“Kansas City’s small businesses need a financial lifeline now,” said Ruben Alonso, President of AltCap. “The KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund will allow us to provide critical capital to help small businesses survive this pandemic. We appreciate those who have steppedforward to help our community and are asking others to do the same.”

Small businesses can apply for the loan fund at: contact (816) 216-1851,

For supportand additional resources for small business owners:

Donor inquiries should be directed to:

Ruben Alonso III, AltCap President at (816) 876-8670 or

Media inquiries regarding AltCap should be directed to:

Megan Crook, AltCap Advancement and External Affairs Officer, (816) 777-9331 or

Para solicitar un préstamo en español, comuníquese con David Zaccaro al (816) 216-1851 o