Development Finance

When a request for bids or proposals is issued on a development finance project, it is published on this page. If you would like to receive an email notification of these contracting opportunities, you can sign up to be notified when a request is submitted. Click the Bidding Notification button below to submit your email address to our notification list.

Bidding Notification

Provide your email address here if you want to be notified of a contracting opportunity. By doing so, you consent to receiving email communications from Port KC.

Port KC’s development partners are responsible for issuing and managing the procurements on development finance projects, subject to Port KC’s oversight. All development finance projects are contractually obligated to comply with the terms of the documents linked on this page and all potential bidders or proposers are encouraged to review the same before responding to any solicitation.

Pursuant to Section 68.040, RSMo, a developer is required to consult with the affected taxing authorities prior to final approval of any property tax exemption by Port KC. Port KC’s policy is to require that these consultations be completed prior to the first consideration of any bond inducement resolution or any other form of resolution that would approve a binding tax exemption structure.

Port KC will not typically participate in any consultation between a developer and the affected taxing jurisdictions. A list of the primary taxing jurisdictions that may be affected by a project can be found here. Special taxing districts with the authority to levy property taxes are not included on the list but must also be included in any consultation, if applicable. A developer seeking property tax exemption must determine for itself which primary and special taxing jurisdictions it must consult with by reference to the geographic location of its proposed project.

Once the required consultation has been concluded, a developer must complete the Affidavit of Consultation found here and return the same to Port KC no later than four (4) calendar days prior to Port KC’s first consideration of the applicable resolution.

Development Finance RFPs


Project Name: Project Shalerock

Issue Date: October 19, 2023

Closing Date and Time: Ongoing

Opportunity Type: Invitation to Bid

Project Location: Parvin and Arlington Road in Kansas City, MO

Project Scope: Multi-Phase project that will utilize approximately 500 craft workers at the peak phase of construction for each building.

Please contact Shelby Kleoppel with questions or concerns.

Additional Instructions: Each potential bidder will need to create an account profile on SmartBidNet and follow the instructions on the MBE/WBE Invitation to Bid to gain access to further information.

Shalerock Notice  




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