Temporary detour from CKPC Stadium
Due to X, a temporary detour is in place to exit CKPC Stadium on the Berkley Riverfront. The following detour impacts both drivers and pedestrians.
Starting on DAY, DATE, what detour is in place from CKPC Stadium, which includes XYZ. Until X, the following impacts will be in place for drivers and pedestrians.
- Use caution when exiting KC Current Stadium.
- The maximum speed limit is 10 miles per hour (MPH).
- Turn your vehicle headlights and/or flashing lights on.
- Yield to all pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Look for a “Turn Left” sign located at the edge of construction.
Although there will be temporary inconveniences during construction the future looks bright! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
If you have questions, please contact XYZ.