This policy supports the rapid construction of eCommerce projects that will produce jobs quickly in Kansas City’s economically distressed census tracts.
How does this policy work?
Construction of ecommerce manufacturing and/or warehousing and distribution facilities will be negotiated, approved and start construction quickly. Months, not years.
Why eCommerce?
The eCommerce sector continues to experience double-digit year-over-year growth compared with retail sales. Demand is anticipated to accelerate more. Now with COVID-19 changing how people buy, the eCommerce numbers could be even larger.

Who benefits?
These facilities must be located in our economically distressed neighborhoods. They must create quality jobs.
Low-income communities cannot get left behind in the COIVD-19 recovery. We are stronger together.
What are “quality jobs?”
At least 250 jobs in the facility. Full-time, at least $15 per hour (exclusive of benefits).
How are “economically distressed” communities identified?
We follow the City of Kansas City’s Economic Development Scorecard Distress Levels.

Where will these projects go?
Fast-tracked projects will only be located in these distressed tracts. Demand will decide, but there are urban infill sites in South KC and the East Side that are zoned, platted, environmentally clean and ready for a quick turnaround.
How do we get these companies here?
Port KC staff is having initial conversations with our business attraction partners who are well-positioned to bring those jobs to KC.
Is this using my tax money?