Most Recent Posts
Two KC Streetcar Extensions Are On A Roll After Receiving Federal Funding Announcements Kansas City, Mo (September...
Q&A: eCommerce & Manufacturing Fast-Tracking Policy
This policy supports the rapid construction of eCommerce projects that will produce jobs quickly in Kansas City’s...
Port KC to Fast-Track Ecommerce and Manufacturing Projects in Kansas City, Missouri
Projects to provide COVID-19 employment relief and support long-term stability in distressed census tracts KANSAS...
Port KC Updates: COVID-19
This page serves as a summary for all Port KC updates related to COVID-19. We will update regularly with links to...
Berkley Riverfront Safety and Improvements Quick Update
We are continuing to maintain and improve the park and trails to make Berkley Riverfront an enjoyable...
AltCap Announces Small Business Relief Loan Fund to Provide Financial Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas City Area Development Council, the Civic Council of Greater...
Board Committee Schedule Updates
NOTE - We have a new Board and Committee Meeting schedule. The March dates are as follows: Our Development...
Port KC Proposes Changes to Central Business Corridor Development Participation
MOU Would Refocus Primary Efforts to Riverfront, Logistics, Commerce, and Trade KANSAS CITY, Mo. (September 23,...
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